Terms & Condition

Terms & Condition​

Warranties and Maintenance

Contractor will provide no warranties whatsoever or maintenance services for any third-party libraries, toolkits, frameworks, components, web services, servers, hosted services, and the like and will not be held liable for any defects, if any, in their underlying code or design.

Contractor will provide free bug fixes to all source code uniquely authored by contractor.

Scope Changes

Client understands and agrees that any changes in the scope during the development process can greatly affect development duration.

Client agrees that scope changes will not be entertained unless formally documented.

Client agrees that scope changes, if any, will require re-computation of contract cost and thus will require a separate project contract agreement.


Client understands and agrees that the contractor will not be held liable in the event of delays due to but not limited to the following factors:
1. Force majeure.
2. Lack of / failure / late submission of the project requirements.
3. Lack of / failure / insufficient cooperation of the client stakeholders during the design, development and implementation phase.


Should the client wish to cancel the contract, client must send a formal letter clearly stating such a request.

Client understands and agrees that in the cancellation of the contract the client forfeit all payments that have already been received by the contractor.

Other Terms

Contractor shall not be held liable for any deficiencies or performance issues of the system due to tampering of third party vendors or conflicts by third party systems.

Client is solely responsible for the editorial content of the material included on its website. Accordingly, Client agrees that it will defend and indemnify (hold harmless) the contractor from any suit, demand, or claim resulting from the editorial content of the website.

Text content will be provided by Client as final drafts ready for publication and in digital form. Graphic content will be
provided by Client in an orderly manner and clearly labeled as to desired use on site.